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Sunday, 01 April 2018 10:46

Autumn 2018 Newsletter

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With the gigantic changes in the weather around Australia, it's hard to say if it's good to say thank you for cooler or warmer weather. However, I am sure we are still lucky to live in Australia, whatever the weather.

Whether it be in Victoria and NSW with Fires, Northern Territory, Western Australia or Qld with the floods and cyclones we send our thoughts and best wishes to those who have lost homes, possession and/or livestock.


AFOM have finally seen some fruit from their solid background work done over the past 12 months. We are waiting for students to apply for the AFOM prize. 

Go to AFOM Prize  for more information


We have another publication via the Research Progam - for more information see UNE Research Program   To read the full paper go to Depression, anxiety, and stress in partners of Australian combat veterans and military personnel: a comparison with Australian population norms.


We had a wonderful night at our Fundraiser late last year. We had wonderful speakers on the night and our Ambassador Linda Hurley, not only spoke, but sang a song that she had composed for AFOM. Mrs Hurley is a wonderful support for AFOM, and we can't thank her enough for the work she does not only for AFOM, but for other Community Orgnaisations.  A couple of photos below. It is so good to see younger veterans and female veterans joining in now.

Shelley and Bob

Linda Hurley

David Hurley and Co

Ann and John

Vicki and Marie

Emma and



 For dates and more information on Boot Hill Retreats (just for the felllows at present) please contact John Bettley on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

This year we are trialling collaborations with Operation PTSD Support for our Ladies retreat. for more information on that see Womens retreat 2018  If you need assistance with transport call Donna or contact us here at AFOM. It is looking like it will be a spectacular time and a great getaway.

Rainbow Beach

Another one is available further north in Townsville - more information at Ladies retreat Townsville  in August


It was fantastic to receive feedback regardnig our parcels for Christmas for the troops. A big effort for all involved, a massive effort for Belinda Woods!



Along with our normal phone calls, web enquiries and emails, we have had more calls to address homeless and psychological fragile veterans over the past few weeks. These have been handled very well by our small team. However, we have found out that a lot of services that advertise "services" do not actually apply to these people we are trying to help.  We are extremely happy to have a Masters in Social Work student (whose passion is working in this field) now on placement with AFOM (more background work done over the past few months!). One of the tasks for her is to put those services who can help into a flow chart of sorts so those AFOM members trying to assist know how to contact those associations that can help and are not constantly turned down by those that can't.  If you can genuinely assist Veterans and/or their families in crisis and would like to be on that database (where ever you are in Australia) please contact Wendy at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

AFOM has recently commenced a service that complements that planning: Front and Centre Services.  See more at 

 Front and Centre Services

Front and Centre


Gail will be the inaugural Speaker at a new Mental Health Support group opening up - not only for those with Mental Health conditions, but also for those family and friends that help support those with mental health issues. In other words, working on the AFOM model - which will feel very excited about.

She will also be travelling over to Perth again this year for more Invisible Wounds Seminar/s. Thank you PVA WA: 

Gail has also been busy this week with talks to Lions Club (Cessnock) and Masonic Lodge  (District 15 Combined Lodges)  who heard of our good works and the limited budget AFOM runs on (our funds go directly to Services for Military personnel, Veterans, First line responders and their families). We were all delighted to receive substantial cheques from both Community Groups to go towards AFOM's work.  Both groups ran fundraising nights for AFOM. Thanks to John and Ann Bettley - who were able to attend on behalf of AFOM and to Wendy Waldrom who gave a speech on what AFOM does at the Masonic Lodge Fundraiser (St Patricks Night) and thanks to Ruth Rogers who discussed AFOM on the Fundraiser night given by Cessnock Lions.

A Huge thank you to Cessnock Lions and District 15 Masonic Lodges 


Cessnock Lions

We still have quite a bit of work to do for the rest of the year, including a workshop on Mental Health in Adolecents and further exploring collaborators and sponsors for a Drop in Centre, that can also have outreach to more rural and remote areas (long term plan). If any one out there would like to help us in that area, feel free to contact us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Our next Fundraiser is a bus trip to Vivid See Link for more details  Vivid Trip


With ANZAC day coming up please remember to take care of yourself and others. While we commemorate ANZAC day, many feel distressed and alone.

ANZAC day 2018

Crisis Telephone Counselling Services:

emergency contacts hover

Lifeline: 13 11 14 - Anyone across Australia experiencing a personal crisis or thinking about suicide can contact Lifeline for support. 

VVCS Call :1800 011 046

Kids Helpline: 1800 551 800 - Provides specialised help for young people aged 5 to 25 years, and is staffed by professional counsellors.

Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467 -  The Suicide Call Back Service provides crisis counselling to people at risk of suicide, carers for someone who is suicidal and those bereaved by suicide. People who are not linked in with current professional support can also access up to six sessions of ongoing counselling with the same counsellor at scheduled times.

MensLine Australia: 1300 78 99 78 - For men of any age who would like support, information or referral to assist them to deal with relationship problems in a practical and effective way.

Sexual assault, family and domestic violence Line: 1800 424 017 - For anyone in Australia who has experienced or is at risk of sexual assault, family or domestic violence and their non-offending supporters.

All of us at AFOM hope you had a wonderful, peaceful and safe Easter 

Easter twins



Last modified on Sunday, 01 April 2018 12:19