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Get Involved

Our focus areas - research, support and advocacy




Are you a researcher investigating the health and wellbeing of partners and families of past and current serving Australian Military Personnel? We can provide mentoring, general assistance and access to the required cohort.

Are you interested in networking with other researchers in this field?

Are you a university, agency or organisation interested in collaborating on a research project with AFOM?

Are you an organisation that can assist us in holding major fundraising events to raise funds for research not encumbered by political and/or Departmental outcomes?

If so, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Are you an organisation or community group who would like to collaborate with AFOM to provide educational workshops and community events for partners and families of past and current serving Australian Military Personnel?

Are you an agency, organisation or university interested in developing individual, group and/or community programs to advance the health and wellbeing of partners and families of past and current serving Australian Military Personnel?

Are you an individual with project development, management and evaluation experience? or experience in writing tender and grant proposals?

If so, contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Are you an individual or organisation that can assist us in promoting awareness into the health and wellbeing of partners and families of past and current serving Australian Military Personnel and the importance of this being high quality independant research?

Are you an individual with experience in policy analysis and development who would like to assist us in advocating for policy change to advance the health and wellbeing of partners and families of past and current serving Australian Military Personnel?

If so, contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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