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Saturday, 04 November 2017 19:07

AFOM's gifts for our Australian Troops

Presents for troops

AFOM is using money raised this year to put together packages to send to our troops overseas.

If you would like to be a part of this, feel free to donate money or suitable items such as those below.

For more information Ring Belinda on 0438 577 518  or Ann on 0404 809 695 or Emma on 0423 614 261 or Gail on 0412 322 756 for drop off points or simply use our website or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We hope to have the packages ready to be sent on or around December 1.

care package ideas

Food • Anzac biscuits • Salted peanuts • Muesli bars • Instant Noodles • Lollies • Small tinned consumables • Other commercially manufactured and packaged foods that are non-perishable Toiletries • Deodorant (non aerosol) • Shaving cream (non aerosol) • Small bottle of talcum powder • Disposable razors • Shower Gel • Lip Balm Other ideas • Magazines – eg Vogue and Women’s Weekly to Men’s Health and Wheels • Puzzle books • DVDs • Socks • Letters of support • Posters and letters from school children • Stamped, self-addressed envelope – this way personnel can thank you for the package

Read 5187 times Last modified on Saturday, 18 November 2017 18:59

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