Monday, 10 December 2012 10:55

June Roe

AFOM Director

My second marriage in 1985 was to a Vietnam Veteran. After completing lifestyle seminars, projects and training during the 1990's, I, along with others became foundation members of the Partners of Veterans Association of Australia Inc.

Positions of Treasurer, Publicity Officer and Awareness Field Team member were held over several years.

Over the last 14-15 years I've assisted in numerous ways on major Veteran Community projects and exhibitions alongside staff from Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre in Sydney. I carried out the coordination of approximately 95 assistants positions for the "Pe-ac-ed with Love" Quilt Exhibition in Canberra in 2006. For the last 10 years, various tasks have been carried out within the St. George/ Sutherland Division of Sydney Legacy.

For many years, the health, wellbeing, education, information and research into past, present and future Australian Military and their Families has been upper most in my mind and deeply imbedded in my heart. I am looking forward to seeing our AFOM project grow and develop.

Last modified on Friday, 22 April 2016 09:31